
Hi! I'm Taha

IT Enthusiast - Gamer - Bookworm

About Me

A hardcore IT enthusiast, an occasional gamer, and a sporadic bookworm. Though, I must admit, I find myself reading through receipts more often than any books lately.

I'm a jack of many trades and a master of none. Hustling till the day I can make onions cry.


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  • Specialize in Information Technology.
  • Advanced expertise in IT devices and peripherals that enables me to efficiently understand and resolve issues remotely.
  • Extensive experience in online sales and marketing with special focus on customer retention.
  • Keen focus on graphic and UI design with practical industry experience.



I enjoy most of my time being indoors. I am an avid bookworm and can be found most of the time reading books, articles on the internet, or even receipts. When it comes to entertainment, I love playing and watching streams of video games (PCMR, ftw!). I also follow several sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and right now I'm obsessed with The Witcher series on Netflix having followed the same video game series for years.

When forced outdoors, I enjoy the company of my friends and we go on new adventures everyday, which mostly comprises of experimenting new cuisines together and embarrassing each other in public. I also frequent bookstores and book fairs searching for the next best thing to add to my collection at home, which is slowly transitioning my bedroom into my very own library.

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